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Blog: Me And John

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I spent most of the weekend doing HOUSEHOLD and then FAMILY things, which was all very lovely, and also trying to write my second column for SANDMAN. I ended up taking ADVICE from the Ink In My Printer and NOT doing it about Myspace (as every other bugger has already so done) but INSTEAD doing it about our recent tour. I think it turned out Quite Good, but you can see for yourself in a few weeks... well, you can if you live in The North (of England) anyway. I'm not even sure if the FIRST of my mighty columns has reached its public yet - do let me know if you see it, won't you?

MEANWHILE Fire Escape Talking recently asked me to answer a letter originally sent to The Beatles, in their ongoing series of people answering letters originally sent The Beatles - you can see my attempt at their webpage. Hey! It might not be very helpful, but at least it rhymes!

posted 7/8/2006 by MJ Hibbett

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