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Blog: New Stuff

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I spent a large part of the weekend sat at my desk BEAVERING AWAY on the Labours Of ROCK. As mentioned previously I'd had an idea for my column in Sandman Magazine so set to finishing it off, with MUCH help from The Finished Articles On My Spike who, as ever, SUBBED the whole thing for me in her usual INCISIVE way. Also as ever I had to FIGHT the urge to CRY and say "But it's my ART!" before realising that, also also as ever, she was RIGHT. You will know if ever she DOESN'T check it as it will be about twice as long and be RIDDLED with bits that don't make sense and/or are unwittingly but TERRIBLY unpleasant about various bands/people/major institutions.

So yes, it was a relief to get it all sorted out and has been sent off this morning, which means that it's time to update the Tales From The Conference League ARCHIVE with my chunk of THORT about the tour, which appeared in September.

ELSEWHERE on the site is the OTHER thing i was working on over the weekend, a new song called This Is The Soundcheck. I've got LOADS of half-finished songs on the go at the moment, with three or four that I'm EAGER to get sorted out... although this wasn't one of them. I'd pretty much forgotten it even existed, until I had a bit of a tidy-up and found it in my Unfinished Songs FOLDER, realised an old tune would work for it, and got GOING. This means that the likes of "The Best Revenge Is To Be Fabulous" and "We've Learnt To Love It" are STILL sitting around undone, but one day, ONE day, I'll get around to it. Hopefully.

posted 9/10/2006 by MJ Hibbett

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