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Blog: The Good Ship
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Off to picturesque KILBURN last night for the Maps Magazine residency at The Good Ship in aid of OXJAM. I got there just in time for my soundcheck, which took 60 seconds, and then popped down the road for a BIG TEA of PASTA. It was NICE. On the way I spoke to Mr T 'Tiger' McClure to arrange arrangements for the weekend - i started to PANIC about amps and things, then realised i had ABLE and GROOVY people at the other end of the line, and was much relieved when Tom said he and Tim would sort it OUT. PHEW.
I got back to the venue to find Mr S 'Carsmile' Hewitt had arrived, so we set to CHATTING, soon joined by Mr P 'He did that mobile clubbing thing that was in the paper' Knight. Oh we had a FINE old time discussing MANY ISSUES, and by the time it came round to my turn to play I was, once again, regretting the need to actually do a GIG. However, a gig i DID do, and this is what it consisted of:
Hey Hey 16K
The Gay Train
We Only Ever Meet In Church
It Only Works Because You're Here
The Peterborough All-Saints' Wide Game Team (Group B)
The Lesson Of The Smiths
Easily Impressed
It was GRATE, i had a BRILLIANT time. It was, however, a set full of incident. When I started I thought "Nobody is here to see me apart from my two cohorts, nobody will be interested, so i am going to GO for it in no uncertain terms", so when I did the LEAPING IN THE AIR bit I usually find myself doing in Hey Hey 16K I did it with MUCH FORCE. It was dead good... except that it made my newly filled PINT go FLYING across the floor. Oops! But also, ROCK AND ROLL!
I also turned out to be wrong about people not being interested, as several DID gather round and, oddly, a few people seemed to know the WORDS. It later turned out that several people there had actually been watching the Gay Train video that very day, and were SURPRISED to find me at the gig in the evening! COOL!
Less cool was a bunch of WAZZOCKS who had come down, it seems, because they thought it was a Drum And Bass night, and had somewhat obviously BEEN ON DRUGS. There were shouting incoherently and trying to sing, I think, Libertines songs over the top of me (and I had to be Quite Brusque with them) and when I went to collect my gear later one of them kept saying "It's him! He's the one who was singing" and trying to alert her boyfriend to the fact, adding "It was inside my HEAD! It was HIM! It was doing my head in!" GOING AWAY FROM THEM seemed a good idea, so i very much DID!
I'd also thought i RECOGNISED someone who was watching as Eddie Argos out of The Art Bruts, and LO! It was him! I was QUITE EXCITED about this because i think Art Brut are BLOODY GRATE, so thought I'd better go over and say hello. He was a very nice man, despite me doing my PATENTED IDIOCY whenever i meet people in bands i think are GRATE i.e. gushing foolishly whilst simultaneously trying to run away. Oh well, it was nice to see him, and it turned out that Mr Carsmile Steve has a spare ticket for their next GIG in That London, so i am going TOO! HOORAH!
We then watched most of The Indelicates, who were DEAD GOOD - i think i may have heard and LIKED several of their songs on Kooba Radio or something, as it sounded very familiar, and they were a MOST groovy end to the night. Me and Peter had to DASH for the last train before they finished, so didn't get a chance to point this out to them. We did, however, get a chance to carry on our discussions out towards the East End, and it was a TIRED but very HAPPY Hibbett who rolled into E11 just after midnight. It had been a GOOD NIGHT!
And now I've got to get myself packed and out of the house for MORE ROCK! I shall report back on how it goes, ANON!
posted 27/10/2006 by MJ Hibbett
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