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Blog: Yes, The Telegraph, that is CORRECT

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I am indebted to Mr D Haldane for pointing out to me THIS article in The Telegraph about how the humble UKELELE is a MUCH better choice for first instrument than the recorder, especially for the CHILDREN, for VARIOUS reasons.

It is EERILY SIMILAR to THIS article about how the humble UKELELE is a MUCH better choice for first instrument than the recorder, especially for the CHILDREN, for VARIOUS reasons - including several NOT mentioned in the previous article.

Does this mean we are SETTING THE AGENDA for BLUE SKY THINKING in EDUCATION now? Hey, it is a responsibility i am happy to take on, but HEY! The Media! At least give us a LINK eh?

In other news - YIPE! Eighteen months down the line and i STILL haven't written that song - to WORK!

posted 12/4/2007 by MJ Hibbett

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curiously, whenever someone mentions ukulele i don't think of Mr Formby, but rather of Another Man's Laundry. The two things are now intricately entwined in my memory. I wouldn't mind, but i'm not even sure if it's a ukulele that you're playing on that one...
posted 20/4/2007 by mark glanville

ALARMINGLY there is NO ukelele at ALL on ANY of our recorded output, apart from that secret track at the end of the album!

posted 21/4/2007 by MJ Hibbett

Billy Jones is Dead? i really need to fine-tune the instrument spotting part of my brain...

thanks for clearing that up though. now i have to begin the arduous process of unlinking uke and cheating vegetarians' freezers, unless you fancy recording a special ukulele version of the song!
posted 21/4/2007 by mark glanville

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