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Blog: New Song! New Song!

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Sing HURRAH to the Gods of ROCK, for LO! Last night I finally finished off New Song "Walkman In My Head." I am especialy joyous about this because it does at least prove I am ABLE to write a new song, as it's been at least six months (possibly longer but I am scared to THINK of that) since I wrote a new song, and I was starting to worry. OK, I had BUNGED UP the tune chute of my own accord to facilitate completion of The Album, but still.

Anyway, I think it's Rather Jolly, and you will be able to judge for yourself, dear reader, when it goes up on the New! Improved! Website! If! I can be bothered! To get it sorted! Yeah!
posted 31/1/2003 by MJ Hibbett

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