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So,yesterday lunchtime I went off to the GYM for a WORKOUT (hey! you don't get an ADONIS-like figure like MINE without some WORK) and after ten minutes on the Dancey Dancey Machine I went over to the WEIGHTS. "Hmm", i thought, "My back feels a bit stiff. I know, I'll do some BACK exercises, that'll sort it out!"

WRONG! The first attempt hurt, the second REALLY hurt, and the fourth went TWOINK! as my back WENT. AAARGH! Also OW! OOH! AAAARGHH!!! It was INCREDIBLY painful, I managed to have a shower but then walking back to work hurt SO much i thought I was going to be sick. ARGH!

We were due to meet my brother and his Mrs, so I thought "Aha! Self-medication of muscle relaxants!" which DID sort of work in that it didn't hurt quite so much after a while BUT did make everything SEIZE UP so it took me about five minutes to get to the loo, HOBBLING like an old man. My brother did attempt to HELP me at one point, bless him, tho he did look VERY relieved when I said I could make it on my own and WOULDN'T need assistance at the critical moment, but all in all I felt a Little Bit Self-Conscious.

I got woken in the night by the AMAZING Thunder Storm and couldn't get comfy for AGES, so today I am slightly crabby and VERY stiff but - HEY! - being EXTREMELY brave about the whole thing. I'm Working From Home in the hope that a bit of rest will sort it out and I can still get out tomorrow and Friday for GIGS, but if you see me HOBBLING, any sympathy would be very appreciated!

In conclusion then: OW!

posted 28/5/2008 by MJ Hibbett

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Physical exertion is clearly the enemy of rock.
posted 28/5/2008 by Pete Green

I couldn't agree more - I've NEVER injured myself like this when drinking BEER. Well, except that time at Indietracks last year... but apart from that: HEALTH all the way!
posted 29/5/2008 by MJ Hibbett

I couldn't agree more - I've NEVER injured myself like this when drinking BEER. Well, except that time at Indietracks last year... but apart from that: HEALTH all the way!
posted 29/5/2008 by MJ Hibbett

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