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Blog: Spinal Tap: DOCUMENTARY
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It seems it isn't strictly necessary anyway, as upon my return from lunch I found the postcards had arrived! HOORAH! I'd ordered a THOUSAND of them as a nice little Promotional Item, and also because I always use postcards as NOTES anyway when sending out stuff people buy in the shop, so thought it'd be good to have some Official ones for future use.
I fairly SKIPPED downstairs with the MASSIVE box of them. Would they be all right? I wondered. They had been QUITE expensive - a bit more than I expected, actually - but if they were good then HECK IT, they'd be worth it.
I opened the box - they look AMAZING. Just GORGEOUS things, except for one tiny TINY little problem. You know how, to get a postcard sized piece of paper, you fold an A4 sheet of paper in half once, then twice? And that that means it's A6, right? And not A5?
Clearly I had NOT realised this when ordering them, as LO! They are BLOODY MASSIVE! They're like postcards you'd send to POOLS WINNERS or something - I did the back just like a normal postcard, divided in two and with a space for a stamp, so I can't even pretend they're ART PRINTS or something, they're just LUDICROUSLY HUGE POSTCARDS!
Still, they fit into envelopes fine and they DO look nice - and hey hey, SOMETHING was always going to go wrong somewhere with this whole process, and so I'll be pleased if it's just this that ERRS!
I can only dream that one day I'll be able to post one JUST as a postcard, and blow the postman's MIND. "I'm holding it at arm's length... But it still looks so NEAR!"
posted 18/3/2009 by MJ Hibbett
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