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Blog: Finally Ready To Be Released Into The Wild

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I've just sent out a big email to people on the newsletter mailing list to let them know that the EARLY BIRD OFFER for the new album will FINALLY be online at ten o'clock this morning.

To sum my feelings on this matter up: HOORAH! Also, PHEW! It's felt like YEARS since we got the actual real life CDs back, and now they're FINALLY going to start going out for people to listen to. I am EXTREMELY excited about this, also RELIEVED that it's finally happening - as you may have noticed, I think this album is really rather good and am DEAD proud of it, so can't wait for it to be in people's hands, also EARS, and find out what they think.

If you're on the mailing list you should have had an email this morning reminding you of where the early bird page is, and if you look now you should be able to see the EXCITING COMBO OFFERS that will be available. The first 50 or so sold will come with a proper printed copy of the LOVELY accompanying booklet (which otherwise appears on the CD multi-media), and there are a few t-shirts left in various sizes for the super-keen. Mostly though I hope a few people leap in and buy the album - it's waited a LONG time to be heard!

posted 22/4/2009 by MJ Hibbett

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