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Blog: Up With The Lark

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Aah, the early mornings! How I pity those who lay abed all day, missing the joy of the near dawn that is 9am - truly, this is the best part of the day!

We're awake (not up and about yet mind, let's not go crazy, but very much conscious) because yesterday we made an APPOINTMENT with FIRE! Every day walking into or back from town we've walked past what appears to be ao museum containing fire engines, and looked longingly in, wandering what it might be. Yesterday we saw a sheet of A4 paper saying "Museum Of FIRE - Free Entry Today" had been stuck in the window so, after ten minutes to locate the unmarked door which allowed us entry, found ourselves WITHIN... where we found everyone had gone to LUNCH, but were able to make an appointment to go and see it TODAY!

Duly EXCITED we carried on with our mission to get some tickets for later. We were mostly succesful, although the young man on the desk was VERY strict with us, FORBIDDING us from buying tickets for one show that might clash with some others we'd already booked. CHASTENED we did as we were told then, as Mr Hewitt was collecting Mrs Hewitt, The Picture In My Frame and I headed off to The Scottish National Gallery!

Or, rather, The Scottish National Gallery Cafe, as that's where we spent most of our time. TOP HINT: If you go to the Scottish National Gallery Cafe for something to eat and/or drink it's important that you take something to eat and/or drink with you, as you will need it to survive the QUEUING TIME. They are not built for SPEED at The Scottish National Gallery Cafe.

We did have time for a SPRINT round some 14th Century Iconography (it was dead good, especially one of The Lives Of Saints that looked like it was from The Beano) before HIGH TAILING it to see our first show of the day, "Morecambe". I wanted to go and see it because i love Morecambe & Wise (my bookshelf will ATTEST to this) but wasn't sure what to expect. It was a one-man show and when it first came on I wasn't sure he'd got the voice right but within minutes it was like Eric was THERE, and the next 100 minutes was probably the BEST TIME i have EVER had in THE THEATRE. It was very funny, but also incredibly MOVING and I have no shame in saying I had a few TEARS at various points, usually ending with HUGE LARFS. He did The Famous Bits (huge round of applause for The Bag Trick, for instance) as he told Eric Morecambe's life story, but carried the whole thing off with love, respect and, as stated, a LOT of laughing. It was completely and utterly brilliant!

Afterwards we were sat in the courtyard with me QUAKING with THE EMOTION when I saw the actor coming out. After some prodding from The Hair On My Short Fat Hairy Legs i went over and got his autograph. He seemed very pleased to do so and excited about how well it was going - there'd been a RICHLY DESERVED Standing Ovation at the end of the show and he'd just heard that he'd got his third five star review. He deserved it, it was, as I may have mentioned, MEGA BRILL.

We then went off for a bit of an old wander round town before meeting The Hewitts at The Pleasance, where we went to see Pappy's Fun Club. I've read a lot about how good they are and Steve had highly recommended them, but this did not prepare me for seeing my SECOND completely GRATE show of the day. HOORAH! They were AMAZING - really really REALLY funny, but also LOVELY and SILLY and all round FAB. I look forward in a couple of years, when they're on telly EVERYWHERE, saying "yes yes, of course, I saw them before they was proper famous". ACE!

We then rounded off the evening with a delicious CURRY before The Hewitts went off to see another show and we went home for a CUPPA. A highly succesful day of SHOWS!

posted 12/8/2009 by MJ Hibbett

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