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Blog: The End Of The Month

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It's The Last Working Day Of The Month again (non-UK citizens: BANK HOLIDAY on Monday, WHOO!) which means it's time for this month's NEWSLETTER.

Quite exciting this month as, for the first time in YEARS, there are NO GIGS listed! None at all! I'm playing at HibbettFest in Ray's Mum's Back Garden tomorrow but after that I've got over FIVE WEEKS before I play another gig - after which we fall HEAVILY back into action with Totally Acoustic, a BATCH of UK gigs and then - HOORAH! - our mini-tour of (bits of) Germany.

I'm a bit nervous about the break as there is a small (well, not that small) slightly paranoid (not really "slightly") part of me that thinks STOPPING for more than a week will make everyone completely forget about me. There's a rather larger part of me, however, that is REALLY EXCITED about it - after all the ACTION of the past six months there's a WHOLE LOT of books and comics that I've got piled up ready to read, STACKS of DVDs, lovely PEOPLE to see NOT AT GIGS, a lovely HOME to lurk around in, and lots and lots of long delayed SORTING OUT to do. It's going to be GRATE!

posted 28/8/2009 by MJ Hibbett

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It wasn't a bank holiday in Scotland. From your favourite pedant. No, not him - me! xxx
posted 1/9/2009 by Anonymous

At this game two can play: at no point did I state there was a bank holiday across the UK, merely that people who didn't live in the UK might not be aware that there was a bank holiday in the part of the UK from which I was sending out the email. I'm sure people in Scotland were well aware that they had to be at work whilst their Southern brothers were having the day off!
posted 1/9/2009 by MJ Hibbett

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