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Blog: News From The Warehouse
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I know some people BLANCHE at the idea of doing their own record label, and sometimes (e.g. when dealing with PRINTERS) I can sympathise - after all, one gets into the business of ROCK mostly to talk to GURLS rather than DO ADMIN - but I think divorcing yourself from the nitty gritty of Actually Sending Out CDs To People Who Want Them means you miss out on one of the nicest aspects of DIY ROCK. By the very nature of the mailing list, most of the people buying THIS CD have bought other albums in the past, and so when I went through sticking the labels on the envelopes it was like seeing a parade of old PALS going past. MOST of the people I was posting to, I think, I haven't actually MET, but I recognise addresses and have chatted on email, and it all gets a bit, well, CHRISTMASSY, seeing them fly past again. Particular locations, like THUNDER BAY in Canada, for instance, which pop up each time never fail to fill me with JOY!
Hopefully when it's OFFICIALLY released in a couple of months there'll be some NEW people - whose house moving history I'm NOT acutely aware of - buying the album, maybe even some through online shops and downloads whose names I'll NEVER get to see, but for now I'm very very grateful INDEED to all my regulars. Thanks everyone!
posted 1/10/2010 by MJ Hibbett
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