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Blog: Busy!

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Frantic times are a) occurring b) AHOY here at Hibbett International. Next week is looking a bit MANIC - I'm off to Derby on Saturday for MIXING, hosting the Bradley Manning benefit at The Wilmington on Monday (tickets HERE, also features Robin Ince, Andy Zaltzman and loads more), doing some VIDEOING on a THING on Tuesday, heading off to Northampton on Thursday for the first Moon Horse preview, seeing Half Man Half Biscuit on Friday, doing a spot at the Interesting Conference on Saturday then it's the SECOND Moon Horse preview on Sunday 19th.

On the Monday i think I may award myself a bit of an old LIE-IN.

But even with all that on the horizon there has been yet MORE occurring here in the humble present day. Yesterday I recieved the latest version of the cover art for Dinosaur Planet which looks FANTASTIC! It really is going to be a thing of almighty BEAUTY but I am going to try and stay calm and NOT show it off until everything's finished. It's GORGEOUS tho!

Meanwhile I popped over to the King & Queens in London's Fashionable Fitzrovia on Tuesday and BOOKED the London Summer Special for Totally Acoustic, on July 14th. I've already asked a couple of acts about doing it (including one of my ALL TIME MUSICAL HEROES) and if it all goes OK then hopefully we'll start doing a monthly night there starting around October/November time.

Other gigs are RUMBLING in the DISTANCE, not least a return for The Validators! We've booked an ACTUAL GIG in Nottingham in November, and we MIGHT be making a return to BERLIN in December too!! This latter is all in the air at the moment but if it works out we'll be part of an EXTREMELY exciting line-up playing a Christmas all-dayer in that fine city. Stollen for all!

And if all THAT wasn't enough - the Moon Horse badges have arrived, and look as BRILLIANT as I suspected they might. With those received I think we are pretty much ON TOP of arrangements for the show. All we need to do is finish and send out the press releases and we're good to go! Well, we've still got lines to learn of course, but there's plenty of time for that... isn't there?

posted 9/6/2011 by MJ Hibbett

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