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Blog: The Fight For History

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I saw on the news that a new statue of Ronald Reagan was being unveiled in London today, and it reminded me of our song The Fight For History. I wrote it shortly after Reagan died, when the media was full of pundits saying what a great statesman and peacemaker he was, which, as the songs says "is not how I remember it."

The song then goes on to imagine all the lies and nonsense that those same Establishment-invested pundits will come out with when Thatcher dies, and though it does concentrate QUITE A BIT on that aspect, it isn't ALL that it's about. As the title (hopefully) suggests, it's meant to be concerned with the way history is distorted by the aforesaid Establishment to paint its heroes as very different, more philanthropic less misanthropic, characters than they actually were. It's easy to let this sort of thing slide, especially as time moves on and the anger becomes more difficult to muster (I doubt there'll be much furore over the statue being unveiled today - twenty years ago there would probably have been RIOTS), but I think it is IMPORTANT, also VALID to try and hold on to the ACTUAL memory, rather than let The Man get away with it.

Which is a long winded way of saying that I think today is as good a day as any to unveil the VIDEO that I made a little while ago for the song. Here it is!

I must admit I put it together in a bit of a hurry - when Thatcher was ill a little while ago a few people whether I had a video they could link to ready for when the Bullshit Deluge began, so I spent most of a weekend hurriedly putting this one together. I then felt a bit TASTLESS rushing to get it out there, so let it lie for a while. As I said, i think the IDEA of the song is a VALID and IMPORTANT one, but didn't want to just shove it out there as a cash-in.

Today, however, looks like as good a day as any to UNLEASH it tho, so here it is - sorry for the less than Hollywood PRODUCTION VALUES, but hopefully it does its job!

posted 4/7/2011 by MJ Hibbett

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Bravo! I realised with horror, shortly after THAT wedding, that it won't be long until Prince Philip dies and we will all be told what a wonderful person he was...
posted 4/7/2011 by Monica

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