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Blog: So Far So Good!

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Greetings from Edinburgh, where it is TIPPING it down. We have been watching the news thinking "If only this bibllical flood of water could fall on the rest of the country it would help EVERYONE."

Sorry for the lack of updates - we have been busy and, to be honest, for the past couple of days Levity and Jollity has seemed a little inappropriate, especially when we saw fires so close to the love people at The Green Dragon in Croydon. On the other hand, a bit of fun might come in handy, and we've had quite a bit of that up here.

There's been some brilliant shows - Chris T-T's "Disobedience: The Song Of AA Milne" and John Robin's stand-up being my highlights so faw - and Moon Horse has been going rather excellently. Double figures for every day so far and me and Steve are THOROUGHLY enjoying finding new LARFS every time. We also had a FULL HOUSE for Totally Acoustic last night, with the podcast probably coming when I get home again.

There's been some WORK too - being Venue Captain has kept me busy - but a lot of it has meant spending time in our venue which is LOVELY. The Buffs is basically a Working Men's Club, with all the cheap beer that that entails, but with REALLY friendly locals and brilliant bar staff, who've made us all feel like New Members. There ALWAYS appears to be someone from one of the other shows hanging around, just because it's NICE, and we have spent many an Hour Too Long sat around chatting, it's GRATE!

I would go so far as to say Best Fringe EVER, on current evidence, but if you want to watch as we progress I'm TWITTING a bit more regularly, and also doing smaller blogs for What's On Stage every couple of days.

For now tho, must get on - it's nearly NOON, time for breakfast!

posted 11/8/2011 by MJ Hibbett

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