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Blog: MJ Says
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Sounds a bit crazy to me, but also sort of cool. More than anything, it's a GRATE excuse to get some t-shirts done, so I have been INVESTIGATING cheapo t-shirt emporiums. Also I've been trying to think of what to PUT on these shirts. My first idea was to have one saying "MJ Hibbett & The Validators Say - SHIT THEN:SHIT NOW", this being something that I, at least, have been saying a lot just lately e.g. "Heavy Metal? Shit then, shit now". On reflection though, this would take quite a lot of explanation for those wearing the shirts, and would probably be better recycled as a song. Which it may well be.
Other than that, I thought maybe just "Things'll Be Different (when I'm in charge)", or perhaps the whole second verse of "Easily Impressed" (the big list of Things I Like). I don't know, but it's nice to think about.
Also at the moment we're considering recording the NEXT album in a country cottage over an extended weekend. See previous sentence.
posted 4/10/2003 by MJ Hibbett
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