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Blog: The Stores Of Not To Be

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As subscribers to the newsletter will by now know, today sees the release of a brand new SINGLE by me - The Stores Of Not To Be.

It's been released by those marvellous young people at House VS Home as part of their monthly singles club, and comes complete with another brand new recording, this time of Only A Robot (from out of off of Moon Horse. It also has a rather SMASHING cover, THUS:

Good eh? It's all available RIGHT NOW at a "name your own price" kind of price. I must say I'm quite PROUD of how it turned out, hope you enjoy it!

posted 30/4/2012 by MJ Hibbett

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Glad you've released this TUNE! It's one of my faves : )
posted 2/5/2012 by PhoeniX PhiL

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