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Blog: Hunt Emerson Is Drawing Little Plum

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I bought The Beano yesterday for the first time in YEARS - i bought it because i'd read on the interweb that Hunt Emerson was drawing Little Plum, and thought "EH? What? But... eh?" because... well,everyone knows about Little Plum, obviously, but Hunt Emerson is, or was back in the 80's when i bought every comic going, THE big UNDERGROUND, DANGEROUS, COMIX (what a rubbish word that is) chap who was doing rum, rude, and WEIRD stuff,especially attacking Thatcher and things. I was trying to think of a METAPHOR for this, and got sort of close-ish with it being like Lou Reed replacing that bloke who left S Club 7, and being REALLY GOOD at it, especially the dancing.

It was DEAD GOOD i must say - i actually LAUGHED OUT LOUD whilst reading The Beano for the first time in my LIFE - i got The Beano every week from age of six until about ten, and i never ever laughed out loud at it in all that time, and on the rare occasions since that i've got it (the last time being 18 months ago when i was off to Japan and was feeling pre-homesick) it's been AWFUL, just crappy stories that might as well have been drawn by machines. But this new version was ACE, and, AMAZINGLY, it wasn't just Hunt Emerson doing Little Plum that made me laugh.

It was still a bit of a shocker though - usually in these cases you'd think "What next eh?" but i've yet to think of a "What next" in this area that would feel weirder. Or, really, more COOL.
posted 13/2/2003 by MJ Hibbett

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