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Blog: New Song, New Song!

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There's a new song over in the Song Blog this afternoon, and excuse me if i say that it is a CRACKER. I'm REALLY REALLY REALLY pleased with this one, it's the first real proper Living In London song I've written (it's nothing to do with actually living in London, it just feels like it's come completely from this bit of my life... even if that's not what it's about either) and goodness ME there has been a LOT of funky dancing in the kitchen to celebrate how much i LOVE it. INDEED there's even been a PERFORMANCE in the kitchen to celebrate, followed by further jigging about and singing it around the house.

It's called "Girlfriend Alarmed", I really like it and - hey! - i hope you do too. It's GRATE!

posted 22/11/2003 by MJ Hibbett

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