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Blog: A Moving Experience
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It's all come about because Fastwebhost, who I was with until very recently, became RUBBISH. It's a terrible shame as, when I first signed up with them (when they were called eHostPros) they were ACE - everything was super reliable and the help was GRATE. However, once they changed name things went rapidly downhill and the site was forever crashing, especially when I tried to update any of the pages. I spent a couple of weeks FUMING and lying in bed at night GLARING at the ceiling with thoughts of SERVER RAGE before realising that I could just MOVE.
Thus I asked online for TIPS and received a) lots of helpful advice b) a TONNE of automated spam from webserver companies and c) the offer of space with Eveleigh Information Systems AKA the server of Mr T Eveleigh, longstanding chum, promoter and Totally Acoustic Super Sub! We got ourselves sorted out and, after a fortnight of altering CODE (i.e. stuff that i FUDGED about 5 years ago and which needed doing) we have today set the wheels in motion to shift, .com and .net all over here!
It's all TERRIBLY exciting - the .com and .net move has already gone through and with any luck will follow within the next 24 hours (the background on the new server is, temporarily, a slightly brighter shade of red), bringing with it all my various other sites. It's all a bit nerve-wracking to be honest, but once it's all gone through we can look forward to uninterrupted service and maybe even some NEW STUFF! Also, of course, getting back to regular blogging - I've got a couple of ACE gigs to tell you about once we get going!
posted 13/4/2015 by MJ Hibbett
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