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Blog: A Poetry Party

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As I stepped out of Dalston Junction station yesterday and into Dalston Actual I found myself thinking "Surely ONE Camden is enough for any city?" For LO! Dalston is basically BLOODY CAMDEN but without quite so many tourists going "Ooh! Is that Graham Coxon?" I don't really like it.

I was there to meet Mr S Hewitt for a THINGS, so stomped down the road to our meeting point, The Fox. As ever with pubs suggested by Steve it turned out to be realy ice - it's almost as if he has been in ALL the pubs and knows which ones are all right! We were meeting there to attend the Poetry Party at the nearby Proud Archivist, an event being run by Mr John Osborne and Ms Molly Naylor featuring Mr Gavin Osborn and Mr Rob Auton. I mean, with a line-up like that it would have been RUDE not to go, wouldn't it?

Steve and I had a nice pint in the nice pub then wandered down the road and along a canal path to The Proud Archivist, which was an INHERENTLY HILARIOUS place. It felt like we'd wandered into a FILM being made in The Future, a period drama set in the year 2013. Everything looked as if someone had researched "hipsters" and tried to make it authentic, so there were cocktails, hernia-inducingly expensive burgers, craft beers, beards, a football table, ironic irony and, best of all, a unisex toilet. We wandered around GIGGLING at it all!

After enjoying some of the above LARFS we wandered into a back room where we found the GIG happening, and OH MY what a gig it was! The first half was Messrs Osborne and Auton, the second half Molly and Gav and it was all GRATE. For some reason I have an idea that poetry and/or performance events might be a bit dull and worthy but all the ones I've been to have been ACE, and this was no exception. All the acts were unafraid to be funny or touching or thought provoking or all three at once, it was LOVELY. There was a time when I looked longingly at Proper Rock Bands and wanted to BE in that world, nowadays it's SPOKEN WORD that makes me think "I want a piece of THAT!"

AND we could sit down AND there were iced party rings. I mean, COME ON, who wouldn't want to be part of that world?

posted 7/10/2015 by MJ Hibbett

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