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Blog: Seaside Special

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Sunday night found me TERRIFIED, standing near the gates of the Thameslink platforms at St Pancras, thinking "Where's Steve?!?" We'd arranged to meet at 16:30 ready to head SOUTH for our gig in Brighton, but it was already 16:31 and he wasn't there! He's ALWAYS there before me, had he been RUN OVER or KIDNAPPED or... oh no, it's all right, here he is. PHEW!

We were booked that evening to perform Hey Hey 16K at The Caroline Of Brunswick in the aforesaid Brighton and Steve had worked out that it would be quicker for us to get the train from St Pancras rather than go all the way to Victoria like what we usually would. This turned out to be a good idea - the highlight of the journey was us pulling into Blackfriars Station to witness the sun setting over the London skyline, the lowlight was the fact that it took AGES, stopping EVERYWHERE!

We arrived in Brighton, stomped to the pub, got a pint, and I was JUST saying to Steve that I didn't have a phone number for Mr David Leach when LO! Mr David Leach strolled into the pub. David's on TOUR at the moment and was joining us as our SUPPORT for this particular evening, which would turn out to be DELIGHTFUL as he is excellent pub company and, OBVS, a WHIZZ with the ukelele.

Showtime approached and a MOST pleasant spread of people, including The T-Ts and various Lovely Brothers arrived. We guided them up into the top room of the pub which was really very nice indeed - the only complaint was that approx 3 times as many seats had been set out as we needed, but luckily there was a CURTAIN which could be used to discreetly conceal half of them! We also spent a very enjoyable ten minutes taking it in turns not to understand how the PA system worked - none of us were using it for the actual GIG, but we thought we might be able to play some Light Music through it for purposes of ATMOS.

We didn't manage to get it working but it didn't matter as everyone was chatting away. David took to the stage and, as usual, charmed the very SOCKS off of everyone and then, after a short break, Steve and I lumbered on and tried to do the same. It all seemed to go down all right - there was certainly a LOT of giggling, and not just from us! The only downside was that my singing was not at its ANGELIC BEST. Having spent two weeks working in hospital environments I now have the tradiitonal Just Started Working In A Hospital COLD, and my voice was RIGHT craggy.

It would have been nice to have been able to sit around and CHAT, but alas we only had time for a swift half before it was time to hug our goodbyes and STOMP uphill once more to the station. It felt MUCH further going UP than it had coming DOWN, but we made it in good time for The Last Sensible Train Back To London.

Next stop for the show is in a couple of weeks at the Go Faster Festival (tickets very much available), when we're going to RECORD it for possible RELEASE - let's hope my cold's better by then!

posted 26/10/2015 by MJ Hibbett

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