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Blog: A Sketch Show
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As you can see, there's a couple of extra bits - the title sequence and the end credits - plus a few minor changes in the edits of the sketches, but it's basically about half the sketches all glued together. I must say, when it was all done, I was AMAZED at how much it WORKS, like some kind of proper sketch show or something. I was also surprised by quite how much music there is in it, almost like somebody had a TONNE of instrumental tunes that he wanted to shoehorn in...
Anyway, that's done so now we start the process of trying to INFLICT it on people, hence this further mentioning here. As ever, if you, dear reader, know any way of furthering this infliction on others we'd be very grateful if you could do so!
posted 19/11/2015 by MJ Hibbett
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An Artists Against Success Presentation