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Blog: City Showcase

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I was back at my ALMA MATER City University last night, for the Lost City Writers Showcase. This was an event that featured actors doing rehearsed readings of a bunch of scripts by myself and my colleagues Ms E Morgan and Ms N Racklin. SPOILERS: it was GRATE!

It felt a bit weird for it to be actually HAPPENING tho, as it's been in the works for about a YEAR, from talking about it with chums to several meetings and emails with Ms C Feltz of the Alumni Office, to getting the director and actors, doing promotions, arranging rehearsals and finally the actual evening itself. On the plus side this meant that by the time the event itself rolled around it felt like a BONUS for the work everyone had done, rather than anything to particularly worry about!

Well, I say that, but there WAS a fair bit of worrying, from people actually turning up (they did!) to whether the scripts would work (they did too!). As with previous Lost City Writers stuff we've done we got a proper director in, who arranged the actors and did the rehearsal, which meant that I saw my three bits all anew. I'm used to learning the lines and working it all out MYSELF (with Steve) over the course of about six months, so it was like MAGIC to see it appear before my very eyes like that.

My three pieces were Marjorie Meets Gareth, Gareth Meets Marjorie , Architecture & Mortality and The Invention Of Sex, all of which had been performed by other people in other places, so it was AMAZING to see them again done by different people in very different ways. My main concern, to be honest, was just whether they would get LARFS, and much to my relief they DID - my favourite being halfway through Marjorie Meets Gareth, Gareth Meets Marjorie when you could HEAR the audience all go "Oh THAT'S what's happening" all at the same time!

Everyone's pieces went down really well, in fact, and we even got some free BOOZE at half-time (and also at the end, when we HELPFULLY tried to save the Alumni Office the bother off taking undrunk bottles away). Afterwards there was PUB and CHAT and much happiness all around. It was like SHOWBUSINESS!

I've also got VIDEO of all the pieces, so hopefully I'll be able to get them online soon to share the experience. It was a LOT of fun - would do again!

posted 15/4/2016 by MJ Hibbett

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