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Blog: I Heard It In Soho

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I was buying my comics in Gosh last night when Steve took a phone call behind the till. It was Nat downstairs, ringing to tell him that Prince had died. Steve told me, I checked twitter, and we both expressed our amazement. What on earth is going on?

I left the shop and walked through Soho, and for the next five minutes all you could hear was people getting phone calls, saying "What!?" and then explaining what had happened to the people they were with. Everywhere you looked, everyone was checking twitter to see if it was true.

t will surprise approximately nobody to learn that Prince doesn't figure QUITE as highly as Victoria Wood in my Pantheon Of ROCK Heroes, but still, crikey! If this is a band IN HEAVEN being put together with him on guitar, her on keyboards, Lemmy on bass and David Bowie on vocals then I can only hope that someone is keeping an eye on Ringo.

I am imagining that band right now. They sound AMAZING!

posted 22/4/2016 by MJ Hibbett

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