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Blog: Christmas Is Coming

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It's that most wonderful time of the year, when the thoughts of all indie bands turn to Christmas!

For LO! September is when deadlines start to loom hazily over the horizon, and you realise that if you want to have a song on a compilation, even if it's one of our own, in early December, it needs to be sorted out by November, which means recording in October, which means you need to write it... NOW!

I had already written ONE song, but it felt more like a "me" song rather than one for The Validators, so I was thinking maybe I should do something else. I discussed this matter with The Links On My Chain who said "I've already GIVEN you a GRATE idea for a song - " and continued to re-relate her idea for a song about how this would be our last Christmas in the EU.

This is, obviously, a TREMENDOUS idea, and by the time we'd got home the general SHAPE of the song was fully formed, requiring just a few more ideas from The Validators, and then a couple of days of bits of TUNE arriving in inconvenient places (thinking of a chorus is almost IMPOSSIBLE when you are in a rehearsal room SPECIFICALLY to think of a chorus, but it's EXTREMELY easy in the middle of a Very Long And Important Meeting), before it was completely finished. Then all that remained was a half hour to record a DEMO for The Validators, et VOILA! "Last Christmas (in the EU)" was complete! And also, BLOODY GRATE!

The next stage will be to record the band version, which we're planning to do a week on Saturday in LONDON TOWN. The Vlads are coming down to the big city on Saturday 29 September for our gig at The Gladstone Arms (everybody come and see us!) so we've booked into a rehearsal room for a couple of hours so that I can record AT LEAST Tim's drums and Emma's vocals, hopefully Tom's violin too, then add MY bits at home later and send THE LOT back to Frankie (who's coming down on the train so won't be in the rehearsal room) to MIX. We are quite excited about this song as it is a) dead Christmassy b) DEAD POLITICAL, so we're keen on getting it right!

I'm planning to release this song, and ALL of our Christmas songs so far, on iTUNES this year, so that they can find their way onto Christmas playlists and such like, and all being well there will be a VIDEO and even some PROMOTION. It's been a quiet year so far for The Validators, but we're planning to finish it with a BANG!

posted 19/9/2018 by MJ Hibbett

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