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Blog: Fringe Fun

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I went up to the Edinburgh Fringe last week, spending just under 48 hours there. From this experience I can tell you two things with certainty: firstly, the Fringe is still a LOT of fun, and secondly, being there for more than 48 houtd would have probably done me in. I am still knackered!

I headed up on the train on Wednesday morning, checked into my (only ludicrously priced, rather than horrendously ludicrously priced) student hall of residence, then hotfooted it back into town to meet Mr S Hewitt and The Mylands in the Holyrood Bar. They'd already been there for several days (NB in Edinburgh, not that particular bar) and how they were looking so fit and well I do not know!

There then followed nearly two days of zooming around watching shows with various combinations of the aforesaid pals, visiting multiple ace pubs, and eating a LOT of chips. My favourite shows were Nic Sampson: Marathon 1904, War Of The Worlds On A Budget, Josie Long: Re-enchantment and John Hastings: Do You Have Any Ointment My John Hastings, all of which had PROPER stories with beginnings and ends and A Point, unlike the weirdly disappointing John Culshaw As Les Dawson which was about Les Dawson getting on a plan and thinking about some bits of his life ... um... and that was it. It was odd!

We also saw Basil Brush: Unleashed, which was not particularly great as a show in and of itself BUT did have ACTUAL BASIL BRUSH in it, and I went to see Steve Richards: Rock'n'Roll Politics which was exactly what it said it was going to be i.e. Steve Richards Talking About Things. It was at this show that I first noticed a recurring TREND this year, that everybody was QUITE OLD. In some ways this was quite nice, as it made me feel YOUNG and VITAL when my hangover was trying to persuade me very much otherwise, but it seemed strange that it kept happening. I mean, I was going to shows that YOUNG PEOPLE LIKE ME were interested in, what were all these grey-haired Radio 4 listeners doing there? IT MAKES NO SENSE.

We also got some decent PUBBING in, with trips to The Halfway House, The Albanach, Dagda and Brass Monkey along with various Corporate Comedy Company Bars, and there was WHISKY and CHAT and general good times. I flipping loved it, but I was VERY happy to get home!

posted 29/8/2022 by MJ Hibbett

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