Blog: Shame They Didn't Do Neil Jung though...
Me and the Warmth In My Winter went to see Teenage Fanclub last night, it was BRILLIANT! The edges of the set were a very little bit less good, but the MIDDLE hour or so was a HEFTY SLAB of "Grand Prix" and "Howdy" and was AMAZING - the room was full of people all smiling and feeling LOVELY, BASKING in the warm glow of The Fannies. Aaah... even better, the entire audience was AT LEAST as old as me, with some members carrying WALKING CANES just to make me feel YOUNG and FRESH. Better YET, we even got told off by a miserable sod who was sitting down (yes, SITTING DOWN) behind us and thus couldn't see, so we got to spend much of the night feeling REBELLIOUS and YOUTHFUL. It was an EXCELLENT gig, i LIKED it, and now i want some MORE!
posted 20/2/2003 by MJ Hibbett