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Blog: Back Back In The Radio Times

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Yesterday I received a notification from Mr J Dredge that The Funny Comics Fan Club was in The Radio Times. We both reacted calmly to this as veterans of publicising things and, indeed, being in The Radio Times and anybody who said we both SQUEAKED WITH GLEE had better provide the evidence to prove it.

It WAS all rather exciting, to be honest, as not only was this the Actual Printed Radio Times but we were the PICK OF THE WEEK in the podcasts section, writ LARGE in this august journal! I dashed out to buy a copy and I must admit I was STUNNED to see it in ACTUAL PRINT right there in my local shop. It looked AMAZING, as you can see below!

scan of The Radio Times showing The Funny Comics Fan Club as Pick Of The Week

Even more amazingly, that nice Mr David Hepworth (for it was he) had written this entirely without our knowledge. My guess is that this was because he knew John via him being on his and Mark Ellen's podcast a while ago, and so he'd spotted his ACTIONS that way. I did meet Mr Hepworth 17 years ago when he booked me for The Cornbury Music Festival, and though that LOOMS LARGE in my personal mythos I doubt it occupies a similar space in his!

It was all EXTREMELY exciting and John and I made very merry with it on The Socials, while watching our DOWNLOADS gently skip upwards. It was only at the end of the day when I leafed through the rest of the magazine that I suddenly realised that we were ALSO in the Top Ten Shows To Stream section right at the front of the whole magazine!!

scan of The Radio Times showing The Funny Comics Fan Club in the Top Ten Shows To Stream section

ZOINKS! I couldn't believe it, that's US right there mixed in with all sorts of famous people! I tweeted this saying "Great to see The Radio Times supporting the work of one of the sexiest middle-aged male double acts ever! And also Brad Pitt and George Clooney", which I repeat here largely because I thought this was a GRATE joke that does not as yet seem to have gone viral, as surely it should.

The whole experience was pretty flipping incredible - I flipping LOVE The Radio Times and to be in it AGANE, but this time even MORE so, was completely mind blowing! HOORAH!

posted 18/9/2024 by MJ Hibbett

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this august journal? But it's dated September.
posted 18/9/2024 by I can see the date in the photo.

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