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Blog: Hibbett's Three Laws Of Robotics

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On Sunday I carried out the ancient ritual of going through my recently filled up IDEAS BOOK and checking to see if any of the idea contained within are GOOD and therefore worth carrying on to the NEXT one. It's always quite an interesting job, for me at least, as it means looking back on LOADS of THORTS what I had urgently scribbled down over the past couple of years, thinking they might be VITAL, but which now often make no sense at all. Sometimes this is because they were written in the middle of the night EITHER in the dark AND/OR when I'd not put my glasses on, but sometimes it's because they just don't make any sense!

In amongst the deranged scrawls there were a few good ideas, like some ideas for songs, a few GAGS I'd forgotten about for the Doctor Doom Show, and a LOT of plans and schemes for a massive science fiction opus about a SPACE TREE that I should really get around to writing up properly one day. There was also something called "Hibbett's Three Laws Of Robotics" which I quite liked but have no real use for... except of course to delight you with today, dear reader. Here they are!

Hibbett's Three Laws Of Robotics
  1. It's not going to look or act like a robot on the telly.
  2. If it does then it's not actually going to be intelligent.
  3. If it is then DO NOT SWITCH IT ON.

Clearly these were written after watching a LOT of TV shows where people who have never seen a science fiction film or read a book of any kind talk confidently and entirely wrongly about Artificiial Intelligence. I hope these rules will be useful to future generations - especially the third one!

posted 1/12/2024 by MJ Hibbett

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I saw that movie about a SPACE TREE. It was PANTS.
posted 2/12/2024 by Hugh Jackman can't save everything

The Orville's "Old Wounds" episode features a REDWOOD growing in SPACE. And the movie Passengers features a tree growing in the deck of a starship, just to signify the passage of time. But that movie is PANTS. Watch Zardoz instead.
posted 3/12/2024 by Waldorf has learned a new word.

The Orville's "Old Wounds" episode features a REDWOOD growing in SPACE. And the movie Passengers features a tree growing in the deck of a starship, just to signify the passage of time. But that movie is PANTS. Watch Zardoz instead.
posted 3/12/2024 by Waldorf has learned a new word.

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(e.g. for an animal that says 'cluck' type 'hen')

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