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Blog: Weekend Workers

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I FINALLY got to grips with the multimedia extravaganza for the "Shed Anthems" EP over the weekend. I've known what's going to be on it for ages - demo versions, lyrics, Annotations and all that, like on "This Is Not A Library", plus some extra songs - but I have been WRACKING my brain to think of how it'll look, but I think I've got it now. It's going to look OLD SKOOL, basically, almost all text, dead simple, but NICE. I think so anyway.

Whilst working on this yesterday afternoon (and listening to the new Divine Comedy album, it's dead good) I got a phone call from Mr K Reverb who, God bless him, was in doing some extra EDITTING on the EP, and wanted to check something. Mr Reverb, I SALUTE you! We're both in the studio tomorrow afternoon and evening to finish the whole thing off, so hopefully on Wednesday I shall be able to pass on some FACT about how it's sounding. ZANG!

posted 5/4/2004 by MJ Hibbett

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