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Blog: Musical Youth

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I bought a new CD tower at the weekend - yes, you are correct, my life IS a whirlwind of thrills and danger. It was EXCELLENT, as I spent a happy half hour playing with screws, pegs, glue, bits of wood and screwdrivers, imaging myself and Hardy Artisan and being surprised to find that, when it was all finished, the MIGHTY CONSTRUCT completely failed to fall a) over and b) to bits. Well done me!

Conforming merrily to gender stereotypes I set about re-ordering my CDs. There've been many ructions in my Music Collection in recent years, largely due to moving house - I now have about half the CDs I used to have, having sold loads on Ebay and Amazon and given away a TON to charity shops, not to mention chucking away 2 bin bags FULL of cassettes about 2 years ago - but one thing has remained constant for over a DECADE: all my CDs have been sorted into Young People's Music and Albums By Old/Dead People.

The main problem with this, I discovered on Saturday, is that the boudaries between the two are BLURRING. For instance, when I instigated the system "Songs For Drella" by John Cale and Lou Reed had just come out, and I had a taped copy of it from my friend Chris. All of us in our Social Millieu at the time LOVED this record, as it is BLOODY GRATE, and the other week the Gravy On My Potatoes bought me it on CD as an Easter Love Gift. Bless. It still sounds BLOODY GRATE, if you've not got it then, honestly, go out and buy it as you will not be disappointed. Indeed, why not buy copies for several of your friends? That way you too can spend the next ten years or so occasionally saying to each other - "I hate Lou Reed, I really doooo" or "He got mad and he called me a RAT!" or "It's just WOIK! The most important thing is WOIK!"

I'm really selling this album aren't I? ANYWAY, the point is that at the time of release, this album unequivically belonged in Young People's Music, but NOW it resides very much in Music By Old/Dead People. Similarly, Nirvana, and many many more former youthful HEROES of my CD collection... and so I was forced to come to a RADICAL DECISION: I ALPHEBETACISED them, willy nilly!

Well, it was exciting for me anyway, and now I delight in Interesting Alphabetical Connections like Elvis Presley nestling next to Prolapse, Gorky's next to Go-Kart Mozart or, perhaps more predictably, The Thrills being as close to Teenage Fanclub as they possibly can be.

Adult fun!

posted 19/4/2004 by MJ Hibbett

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