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Blog: Revision Timetable

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While I make plans to make plans to schedule the next time i can think about making a booking to go and start the last bit of mixing of the album (possibly), i have found a little time for some diversionary thinking... The Album has been called "This Is Not A Library" for at least two years now, before any of the SEVERAL songs which include the phrase were even written, and for about 18 months it's been destined, in my head, to have one of those gatefold type book-esque sleeves. I spent many happy afternoons in my old job TOYING with this notion, and got quite ADVANCED with some designs. One part, in particular, is going to STAY, a library ticket on the inside marked with the date of every single recording session. I don't know that it'll mean much to the (imaginary) CONSUMERS of the product, but it fills me with equal measures of GLEE and ALARM, and i like it.

Anyway, today I have had yet another New GRATE Idea re. the above - rather than make it like a paperback, why not do it like a used hardback? I REALLY like those chipboard covers (largely because the UK version of Prolapse's backsaturday came in one, and it was LOVELY), so am NOW thinking of having a largely-brown (or maybe dark blues?) cover, with just the title and authors "embossed" on the cover and spine , and then inside, on a separely made sticky piece of paper, have the aforementioned library ticket, with the dates and small-type instructions to "see CD-ROM" for details... or maybe a tracklisting... or something.

I don't know, it's a nice idea - maybe it could be NUMBERED too? - and will doubtless get even nicer in my MIND with a good week or two's THORT. But that's what's in my BRANE re. ROCK at present.

posted 24/2/2003 by MJ Hibbett

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