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Blog: Thick Thin Thick Thick Thin

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Now, I know this isn't REALLY very exciting, but it is to ME, so here we go: I just spoke to our manufacturers, and we now have a BARCODE for the album!

What's that you say? "But I thought you said it WASN'T exciting?" I know, I know, i like to tease you gentle reader. Eh what Pardon? "What is it then", you ask? Oh go on then - the barcode is going to be 501 623 519 2422. By GOLLY, that's a beauty isn't it? What it MEANS is that the stuff i sent off yesterday got there safely, and even now the gigantic machines of production are being prepared to roll "Shed Anthems" off the conveyor belts. WAHEY!

posted 28/4/2004 by MJ Hibbett

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