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Blog: SUEDE - "Metal Mickey" (part 2)

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Me and him sat for three minutes in stunned amazement watching this FANTASTIC THING, and knew that our lives would be BETTER forever afterwards. Simon got the single the next day and we listened to it for WEEKS. When "Select" brought out a new issue i'd rush out and get it just for the Alternate Takes of SUEDE songs on the free cassettes that came with it, and when the album finally came out we both had it STRAIGHT onto Walkmans - whenever i think of my first job working at Leicester General Hospital i think of me STALKING out of the building on a Friday Evening, pressing Play so that that first FANTASTIC chord of "Chase The Dragon" hit at the EXACT INSTANT i walked through the back door and into the weekend.

It also lead to the three of us wearing some SPECTACULARLY inappopriate , tight, sweaty, eye-straining polyester BLOUSES during gigs for the next year, but we needn't dwell on that. Suffice to say, when i sat down to watch it tonight i was a little worried that it wouldn't match up to my expectations.

It did. It was BRILLIANT. Every time i have been DRUNK in That London since living here i have wanted to go to Virgin on Tottenham Court Road and buy their first album on CD - Mark my words, listening world - tomorrow lunchtime, i'm going to do it. SOBER!

posted 25/2/2003 by MJ Hibbett

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