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It's been a NEWS BARRAGE here today, as Small Items Of Interest have PELTED us, like a NEWS PAL lobbing pebbles at the window because they've come round whilst we're watching telly really loudly and didn't hear the door.

First of all, it looks like we'll NOT be heading over to Texas in March to play at South By Southwest... er... because they don't seem to want us to. Initially i was a bit disappointed by this, but then realised that I've either seen or am GOING to see ALL the nice people i had hoped to see there ANYWAY, and also that if we DON'T go we'll have the time and very much the MONEY to be able to go and record the new album a LOT sooner. AND it means i won't be spending the next three months PANICKING about VISAs, so, actually, that's ALL RATHER EXCITING. THUS Mr The Celebrity Drummer and I have been passing SONG LISTS backwards and forwards in a FROTH of Future Seeing FUN.

And on a similar note, the aforementioned International Percussionist NOTED that the Half Man Half Biscuit gig we were supposed to be playing in October has finally been rescheduled for FEBRUARY 11th. I've not put it on the gigs list yet, I'll wait until final confirmation from Anton The Promoter, but please allow me a slightly pre-emptive WHOO of excitement:


Thank you. If that DOES come off it'll mean we've got a mini-tour SORTED for just when Warriors Of Nanpantan comes out. GRATE!

And in other news, I've just put the WORDS to The Advent Calendar of FACT in the Song Blog, should you wish to see them, and should you wish to see what it all LOOKED like, you can have a glance at these SCREENGRABS, kindly sent to me by Kooba radio's Claire Dicko, here and HERE. MULTIMEDIA!

posted 21/12/2004 by MJ Hibbett

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