Crumbs, it seems like a LONG time since we've had a NEW SONG, but here it is, the first fruits of my CLEARING UP operation pre-Phase 2 Practices is "The Other Rush Hour", over in the Song Blog and Annotations. There is a LOT of it and it goes on for quite a while, I did try to end it a bit sooner but it turns out I had quite a lot to say, and quite a lot of BITS to use to say it. I've not actually played it to anybody yet, so I don't know if it'll be any good, but see what you think.
In other news - WHOO! I'm going to be playing on Steve Lamacq's FINAL Sunday Session on 6Music in April, and I'm going to try and write a new song for that too. Easter is going to be SING SONG A LICIOUS!
posted 8/3/2005 by MJ Hibbett