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Blog: TABLE 8: Sales In Other Countries

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Really that should be "Units In Other Territories" shouldn't it? Anyway, here's the Top Eleven (it worked out that way) non-UK countries for digging the Hibbett/Validator goodness:
1 United States Of America
2 Canada
3 Sweden
4 Republic Of Ireland
5 Australia
6 Italy
7 Germany
8= Greece
8= Finland
8= Israel
8= South Africa

USA and Canada are pretty expected at the top - hey, they have all the CA$H, right? - but look, i am MEDIUM in SWEDEN! How lovely! Also quite jolly are the assortment of countries tying for eighth place - between you and me, there's not an awful lot of sales behind those placings, but they still bought more stuff than SPAIN, for instance, and I've GIGGED there! Greece, Finland, Israel and South Africa - it sounds like a list of delegate nations at a Prog Rock Convention doesn't it?

posted 14/2/2006 by MJ Hibbett

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