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Blog: My Exciting Life In ROCK
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Anyway, I cut out the newly card-backed versions and ended up with around 14 jolly-coloured smiling heads, ready for use in the vidoe for "The Gay Train" next week. They look GRATE - now I need to make a few other PROPS for it and we should be GO!
Halfway through this WHOLESOME activity I was rung by Thomas Scott on the Technical Difficulties show on University Radio York. We had a lovely chat, and as ever in such cases it seemed to be over REALLY quickly. I like doing interviews like that as it is a GRAND opportunity for me to GO ON AND ON for AGES. I found myself saying thing like "Yes, our NEW ALBUM - 'WE VALIDATE!' - is available in the shops soon!" and other things that People On The Telly come out with. I felt slightly DIRTY... in a GOOD way. Oh yeah!
posted 9/5/2006 by MJ Hibbett
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