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Blog: Adventures In Media
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I got home to find we've had our first review. It's TRADITIONAL that the first review we ALWAYS get is from someone who hasn't really listened to it and so rather misses the point AND spells my name wrong.
Tradition: UPHELD!
I mean, OK, i guess you COULD see it that way, but only if you stopped listening as soon as you got the middle bit and ignored the whole last verse which is neither modern (it's FUTURISTIC!) nor a list. I'd also ARGUE that it's not a snipe at things we do to waste time, it's a celebration of the things we DON'T do enough of when we allow what we "should" be doing to get in the way.
And yes, I did spend half an hour thinking about it before i went to bed, and have had to FORCIBLY STOP myself from writing the above in the Comments Section! Does Chris Martin get like this? Is this why Mainstream Acts spend so long between albums, because they spend MONTHS on Message Boards arguing about Bad Reviews? INDEED, does Tony Blair need a deputy because he has to spend so many afternoons defending his policies on Political Web Forums?
Actually, I think the world would be a far better place if people like him DID get upset like that, but somehow I don't think George Bush GOOGLES himself too often!
posted 7/6/2006 by MJ Hibbett
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