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Blog: Remote Control

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It was all GO in the world of The Validators last night. Not for ME - I went home, watched Buffy, had my tea, then watched The Sopranos on video (and rather unnervingly found myself watching Ralph get chopped to bits and thinking "Yeah, it's about time he got WHACKED" - YOINKS!) - but for Messrs McClure, Reverb and Fleay it was a night of DYNAMIC ACTION.

Is it me, or does McClure, Reverb and Fleay sound like a team of Supernatural Solicitors? Anyway, way way up North in the wilds of Derby Mr Fleay was in the studio listening with TREPIDATION to the DAT of "One Last Party" - he'd already mastered the entire album except for this final song, which was found to have a horrible crackling noise on all CD copies. BEAUTIFULLY the DAT was unaffected, so it's Full Steam Ahead for ACTUALLY FINISHING IT!

Meanwhile, in the dark hills of LEICESTER, Messrs McClure and Reverb were in the studio putting the final touches to "Walkman In My Head", the track for Moo Twinkie's compilation album. Later in the evening Tom rang me to PLAY the whole thing down the phone to me, whilst LAUGHING MANICALLY. I remember Tom BEFORE he was a bog-eyed baton wielding frizzy haired ORCHESTRAL MANIAC, and the transformation both pleased and afeared me - the song itself sounds ACE though, even down the phone lines, and I can't WAIT to get that final version in my HANDS.

God Bless them ALL, the mighty VALIDATORS!

posted 16/5/2003 by MJ Hibbett

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