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Do-It-Yourself Comic Book

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I'm not the biggest fan of Marvel's attempts at humour, mostly because they're very rarely funny, but I do quite like the almost British sense of cheekiness in this strip, which purports to contain "everything you need" to test your own suitability to be a comics professional. This includes two whole blank pages of empty boxes, which the strip assures the reader are essential for storytelling and definitely not just two blank pages, and a whole page of pre-prepared dialogue boxes. It's all good fun, as a series of characters take the reader through various aspects of comics storytelling, including a section in which a fight between the Hulk and Doctor Doom is used to explain how captions and sound effects work. It's all very jolly, and much more enjoyable than the various MAD rip-offs that fill the rest of this issue. Doom even makes another appearance in the final panel of this section, where he appears in a crowd scene reminiscent of all those we saw back in the days of Not Brand Ecch. As in those scenes, it's interesting to note that Doom is once more singled out for a speaking part - again, giving him an out of character line is what counts as a joke, alongside including Aunt May, of course. Some things never change!

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posted 9/6/2020 by Mark Hibbett

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DOOMBOT FILTER: an animal that says 'moo' (3)

(e.g. for an animal that says 'cluck' type 'hen')

A process blog about Doctor Doom in The Marvel Age written by Mark Hibbett