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The Swingin' Sound Of Sixties Marvel

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This is a quick note to say that on Saturday I gave a presentation about Marvel theme tunes at the Transitions Conference. You can read a lengthy description of what happened over on my non-comics blog, but the short version is that I had a lovely time alongside my Rock Colleague Mr FA Machine and a brilliant panel of other researchers. You can currently see my presentation on Vimeo, although I'm not sure how long it'll be there for.

As part of the presentation we recorded our own versions of six of the sixties Marvel theme tunes, along with "Mighty Mouse" and "Batman", and we've released them as an EP over on Bandcamp. You can listen there, or stream it below:

This is, I believe, Practice Led Research! It was a lot of fun to put together, and we had a great time at the conference too. Back to complaining about terrible 80s comics next time!

posted 12/4/2021 by Mark Hibbett

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A process blog about Doctor Doom in The Marvel Age written by Mark Hibbett