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The Last Working Day Of The Month: Issue 70
< issue 69 | issue 71 > |
Hello everybody - we've got gigs, podcasts, Christmas albums and all sorts to talk about this time, so let's ROCK!
Tuesday 7 December - The Lamb, London
(Totally Acoustic with Helen Arney and Tim Eveleigh)
Wednesday 8 December - The King's Arms, Salford
(Dinosaur Planet with Fenist the Falcon)
tickets - http://www.wegottickets.com/event/99126
Sunday 12 December - The Social, London
(Damnably Christmas Party with Slowgun, Smallgang and more)
tickets - http://www.wegottickets.com/event/99532
Wednesday 15 December - Rondo Theatre, Bath
(supporting Mr Gavin Osborn)
tickets - http://www.bathfestivals.org.uk/6248
Tuesday 21 December - The Lamb, London
(Totally Acoustic with Chris T-T and Andy Pocketbooks)
Check http://www.mjhibbett.co.uk/gigs/gigs.php for more information.
This month we've had Frankie Machine, Bobby McGee, Jenny Lockyer and Fakebit Polytechnic at Totally Acoustic, producing two more rather EXCELLENT podcasts, which you can download HERE:
I'm already booking the NEXT batch of shows, starting in March next year, but before then we've got some ACE acts next week and a special CHRISTMAS edition on the 21st - come along if you can, it'll be LOVELY!
Thanks very much INDEED to everyone who contributed to the choir for our Christmas single, "The 29th Day Of December". The video is finished, the song is mixed, and we'll be releasing it on Monday 13th December via our bandcamp page. It'll also be available as part of our CHRISTMAS ALBUM (oh yes!), "The MJ Hibbett & The Validators Christmas Selection Box", featuring ALL our past Christmas songs, which will be available on the same day. I'll send out a special announcement email on the day itself - it's going to be MEGA CHRISTMASSY!
MORE Christmas? Why yes, for LO! the Crazy Christmas Clearout CONTINUES in the online store, with TONNES of our back catalogue available for TWO POUND FIFTY or less - INCLUDING postage! This offer will be ending on January 5th (the 12th day of Christmas), so get in SOON if you want some bargains!
We've had a nice review of Forest Moon Of Enderby on AllMusic ( http://allmusic.com/album/forest-moon-of-enderby-r2020867/review) and an extremely TOUCHING TRIBUTE over on A Fog Of Ideas ( http://afogofideas.blogspot.com/2010/11/being-happy-doesnt-make-you-stupid-on.html).
And finally, if you've not had enough of me for one month, I recorded an EXCLUSIVE session for Shane Quentin's garden of Earthly Delights show, which you can download HERE:
There's a whole HEAP of other stuff on the show too which makes it WELL worth a listen!
And I think that's more than enough for now - stand by for another quick email in a couple of weeks when the Christmas video's ready!
< issue 69 | issue 71 > |