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Blog: STATS! Where The Magic Happened
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![Where Gigs Happen](/stats/2007graph5.jpg)
The last time we looked at this graph I noted how it gets progressively STRIPEY as we move our might weapons of ROCK further around the country, and if anything the addition of old data this time around shows that this has become even MORE so over time. It may appear to be the same or even slightly LESS stripey in 2007 and 2006, but that's only because of the record number of "Other" places (i.e. Cities I've only been two three or less times EVER) that make that particular category swell. If I'd done it by individual city 2007 would have been Stripier than Sergeants in The Army Of Tigers using a zebra crossing to chase some wasps i.e. VERY!
posted 25/1/2008 by MJ Hibbett
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