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Blog: Gubba Lookalike

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If you've been following the Jane and John Twitter feed (and if you haven't, please do!) you will be aware that we are at FULL STEAM AHEAD on the promotional campaign for our new double A-side single Here At Last / Boing Boing.

Here At Last is all about the joy of getting together with people again to watch long-awaited sporting events, so as the Euros have now arrived we've been tweeting away like mad. Thus, this week we hit on a rather cunning WHEEZE to tie tweets into individual games by giving out FACTS that end with "Here At Last" somehow. For instance, the first of the week said "Scotland have never beaten the Czech Republic in the Euros - could their time be... Here At Last? " and then a link to the video.

Good eh? The only slight drawback, which wasn't really much of a drawback at all, was that it meant I had to spend several hours looking up all of these FACTs online. I now have IMMENSE respect for professional sports commentators who must have to sit and work out HUNDREDS of these for each game, so they can drop them casually in as they go along. Sometimes it seems like they're just reeling FACTs off rather than watching the game, but now I know how much WORK goes into it I don't blame them!

We've got the FACTs planned out for the rest of this week, so I'll need to get on with the rest of them soon, but in the meantime look out for FASCINATING information. For instance, how many times have England and Scotland played each other, and who's ahead on wins? Find out on Friday!
posted 15/6/2021 by MJ Hibbett

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