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Blog: The Funny Comics Fan Club

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As mentioned the other week, myself and Mr John Dredge have been working away at recording a PODCAST that is called "The Funny Comics Fan Club" in which we discuss individual issues of funny comics. We've now got THREE (3) issues in the bank and are preparing to UNLEASH them on the world, but to kick things off we have done a TRAILER what you can listen to right HERE:

It is BRIEF but I think captures the TONE and also the APPROACH what we are going to take. I'm currently in the process of getting it linked up to FEEDS and whatnot so it may be a few days before it pops up on your favourite podcast APP, but hopefully it will all be sorted out by this time next week when we're planning to impose the first issue/episode upon a waiting world. In the meantime, why not ask your friendly local newsagent to reserve you a copy?

posted 14/8/2024 by MJ Hibbett

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