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Blog: Early Release for AI Guy
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Well, it's not out on streaming services yet as I only decided to do this last night, but it IS very much available on bandcamp and also on YouTube, THUS:
Good eh? What happened was that I was watching the NEWS last night with everyone going on and on about AI and thought "Curses, I wish my single was coming out THIS week rather than in a fortnight, because then I could WEIGH IN on this GRATE DEBATE with the song!" A still small voice within me said "So why not release it now then eh?" and the more I thought about it the more sense it made. All right, unleashing it NOW means it won't be on Spotify etc straight away, but who cares about that? It's not like that's going to significantly hinder my REVENUE STREAM is it? And this way the song can be out and about in the THICK of the THORT, rather than rolling up a fortnight later like a television comedian telling a joke that everyone's already told each other on a panel show OR SOMESUCH.
So I consulted with my Internal Communications team, who said "DO IT", so do it I have! As ever with this sort of thing I would be extremely grateful for any SHARES or TWEETS (if anyone still does that) or POSTS or especially Mentioning To Colleagues On Internal Channels, which I think is where it will gain most of its POWER. Most of all though I hope it becomes a useful tool for lumping onto internet discussions like a two-minute-long "HA!" for those in THE KNOW!
posted 14/1/2025 by MJ Hibbett
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