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Blog: London and Peterborough
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Fucking Hippy
The Fight For History
Sod It, Let's Get Pissed
The Peterborough All Saints' Wide Game Team (group B)
Born With The Century
Work's All Right (when it's proper job)
Never Going Back To Aldi's
Hey Hey 16K
Easily Impressed
Boom Shake The Room
I think it went OK - there was a GRATE bit when I said "This it called The Peterborough All Saints..." and people CHEERED, and "Born With The Century" seemed to go OK, but i most confess i was a bit SCARIFIED for the first half. As The Grass On My Lawn said when I told her about it, there's a REASON that The Uber Set was formulated, and the reason was that it was a set of SURE FIRE WINNERS. It's a GOOD THING to deviate from it every now and again, as i did on Thursday, and being SCARIFIED is the simple price to pay.
It was a good night anyway, especially after I'd finished being on and got to hang around talking to all the lovely people who'd turned up. That's always the best bit, to be honest.
Next day there was more talking to people, and more Public Speaking, as it was my Nan's funeral and I was due to speak - Dad had read the webpage and liked what I wrote about Nan the other day, so he asked me to say a bit of it during the service. This wasn't a very easy thing to do I must say, but I'm glad I did it, and it was a lovely day all round. Nan had a MASSIVE garden that she was very proud of, so the sunny weather was brilliant for us all to go for a wander round, and talk about what it was like in its glory days. We also had a game of football (when the my sister's LOVELY boyfriend showed his DARK SIDE and, frankly, HACKED ME DOWN), some drink, and some talking. My family's a great bit complicated tangle of different factions, but when we get together as wed did on Friday afternoon it always amazes me how WELL we manage to get on together, and once again i was MOVED by the whole thing. There was a lot of that sort of thing going on - I found it slightly unnerving actually, that I could feel pretty together about the whole thing one moment, and then seeing something like my Nan and Grandad's little sign saying "We're Working In The Garden" (they used to hang it over the front door so if people came round they'd know to go round the back) could set me off again. It was also a bit disconcerting to meet QUITE so many people who'd say "You won't recognise me, I last saw you when you were seven", including my old primary school teacher and my Godfather. I told him he'd done very well - i'm WELL Godly I am.
So yes, it's been a pretty eventful couple of days, and I'm now thoroughly enjoying a Bank Holiday Sunday of RELAXING, for LO! Tomorrow I'm off to do TWO sets in SHEFFIELD! TRAM time!
posted 1/5/2005 by MJ Hibbett
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An Artists Against Success Presentation