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Blog: Is It Hot In Here?

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I STRODE OUT across London last night to The Bull & Gate to play our last minute GIG in the HEAT. By heck it was warm, but luckily i was already sporting shorts and had a pair of SEXUAL TROUSERS stocked in my bag for later. Unfortunatly i didn't have my usual post-gig t-shirt, which meant i ended up getting plenty of space to myself on the tube home, as i was SWEATY.

Tim, Emma and Tom turned up just in time for soundcheck, which was a delightfully calm and leisurely affair - the combination of the air conditioning, new carpet and nice sound system in the back room of the B&G with the Really Good Soundperson made it a DELIGHT to experience. Mr Frankie Machine was stuck on a train just outside Bedford at this point (see previous entries - apparently Midland Mainline have no contingency plan for The Nice Weather) so had to do a sad, lonely little solo soundcheck when he turned up half an hour later.

That all done we regrouped in the pub itself, for a discussion on Album Planning: we agreed that we would hand The Engineer our ACTION PLAN: "Make GRATE Pop Album", and that was all the planning we needed. This is going to be GRATE! About 11 people gradually arrived (which was pretty good, considering the heat, late notice, and Glastonbury Festival!) and we ROCKED in the following fashion:
Things'll Be Different (when I'm in charge)
Quality Of Life Enhancement Device
Better Things To Do
Hey Hey 16K
Tell Me Something You Do Like
Billy Jones Is Dead
The Gay Train
Easily Impressed
I must say it felt BLOODY GRATE - we WHIPPED through the songs with only BRIEF interludes between, INDEED we SEGUED from "Things'll Be Different" STRAIGHT into "QOLED", and even slotted in "Billy Jones Is Dead" as an optional extra with time to spare. The new songs all felt GOOD and worked WELL, and there was an ACE response to "Easily Impressed". It basically felt NICE and I was EXTREMELY happy to be playing at the B&G again, if only there had been more time for more i'd've been even happier!

Very soon afterwards Tim, Emma and Tom had to leave, and shortly after that Mr Machine did too. I've been asked to point out that his train was delayed nearly an hour from leaving, and then several MORE hours on the way, so a two hour journey (MAX) took him more than TWICE as long! Also Tim and Emma had to hire TWO babysitters for the night - these are the sacrifices we make for ROCK! Anyway, i then hung around and saw a bit of The Courtesy Group, who were dead good - i would have watched more, except it was VERY HOT INDEED. So hot, in fact, that i got SWEATY KNEES, which has never happened to me before. My favourite bit of them was when the singer was RAMPAGING around the room, and came and sang in my FACE as i passed by. I think he expected me to be freaked out, but actually i really enjoyed it, and he pushed me away in search of people to FREAK. It was dead good anyway - i didn't get to see any of Vaccine, who had very nicely lent us GEAR, due to Having To Get Home, which was a shame really as i always DISTRUST bands who don't watch the others, and yet here we were doing that very same thing.

ANYWAY,i had a wander round and a chat to all our LOT who had very kindly ventured out, and ended the evening delightfully with TEAM KOOBA discussing cleavages and film ideas. What could be more pleasant? It was a very happy though slightly over-LAGERED (it was too HOT for BEER!) Hibbett who wobbled home, BRANE awash with thoughts of how GRATE this album is, surely, going to sound. YEAH!

posted 24/6/2005 by MJ Hibbett

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