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The Adelphi
89 De Grey St
01482 348216
Here's all the gigs that we have logged at this venue. Click on the date for further details.
Saturday 14 June 2003
Me and Tom at our first Hull gig - thus the first night we met the mighty Mr Eddy Bewsher.
Sunday 12 October 2003
Validators Full Band Set An astonishingly fantastic night, organised by Eddy, and featuring Christmas Cake! Tom ran about trying to keep up with demand for CDs.
Friday 7 May 2004
Validators Full Band Set Astounding night when people came just to see us, and we had a big feature in The Hull Daily Mail!
Friday 7 May 2004
The Validators supported by MJ Hibbett! Live debut for 'Dino At The Sands' and 'Never Going Back To Aldi's'.
Tuesday 21 September 2004
Second leg of the Plimptons/Frankie tour, also with Cracktown and the very lovely Mr Jeffrey Lewis.
Saturday 22 July 2006
Validators Full Band Set A chip disaster beforehand, on Day Two, before Jody Galvin and The Rocky Nest did supports. We played a LONG old set that was very sweaty then went to Tom's parents' house and ate RASPBERRIES.